Planning for care. For life.

Navigating Through Divorce – Complex Medical Challenges and Special Needs Planning

Ann Koerner

Navigating Through Divorce – Complex Medical Challenges and Special Needs Planning

Current statistics in the United States support that approximately 50% of all married couples will someday consider or go through a divorce. Unfortunately, if a family has a child, spouse or close...

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Education Advocacy Overcomes the Pandemic – Client Meets His Full Potential

Kristen Sabo

Education Advocacy Overcomes the Pandemic – Client Meets His Full Potential

Many individuals with special needs or chronic health conditions face immense challenges gaining the support necessary to complete their education beyond public high school services. The COVID...

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Which State has the Best Public Benefits?

Adam Earl

Which State has the Best Public Benefits?

“If I could move to any state in the country, which would provide the most valuable benefits and resources for my loved one?”

It’s a question we are hearing more and more from our clients and...

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Preventing Costly Medical Equipment, Supplies and Adaptive Technology Mistakes

Ann Koerner

Preventing Costly Medical Equipment, Supplies and Adaptive Technology Mistakes

A common observation when our nurse consultants visit a client home is that there is usually a closet or other storage area in the home full of unused equipment, supplies, and adaptive equipment.

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Special Needs Assessment: Understanding Special Needs Care and Quality of Life Considerations

Adam Earl

Special Needs Assessment: Understanding Special Needs Care and Quality of Life Considerations

As a trustee, fiduciary, or guardian for an individual with special medical needs, it is important to fully understand their unique care and quality of life needs to properly administer special...

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Caregiver Analysis: Finding Clients The Care Support They Need

Adam Earl

Caregiver Analysis: Finding Clients The Care Support They Need

Individuals with special care needs face unique challenges that require complex solutions to ensure the highest possible level of care and quality of life. Paid caregivers play a vital role in...

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Improved Affordability of ACA Insurance Starting in April, Special Enrollment Period Extended

Adam Earl

Improved Affordability of ACA Insurance Starting in April, Special Enrollment Period Extended

Starting April 1, millions of Americans will become eligible for new Affordable Care Act Insurance premium subsidies as a result of the most recent COVID-19 stimulus legislation. The new law both...

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Special Needs Home Assessment: Solving Special Needs Accessibility Challenges

Adam Earl

Special Needs Home Assessment: Solving Special Needs Accessibility Challenges

Individuals with special care needs often live in homes that do not meet their unique needs or ease caregiver tasks. While the Americans with Disabilities Act requires minimum standards for...

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Quality of Life Plan: Define Your Vision for the Future

Adam Earl

Quality of Life Plan: Define Your Vision for the Future

All families plan for the future, whether scribbled on a napkin or extensively diagrammed with the help of legal and financial advisors. For families facing major medical challenges, their vision...

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Accessing the COVID-19 Vaccine

Adam Earl

Accessing the COVID-19 Vaccine

As the COVID-19 vaccine becomes available across the country, understanding the federal, state and county specific priorities and how to access the vaccine has become increasingly challenging. The...

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