Wellness Checks – There When Our Clients Need Us

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to wreak havoc both medically and economically around the world, individuals with special medical needs and their families are facing increasing struggles and uncertainty. To proactively evaluate and respond to these challenges, National Care Advisors has developed a Wellness Check service for our trustee and fiduciary clients. The service includes a telephonic consultation with the beneficiary and their family, a detailed questionnaire that covers several potentially pressing issues, and a written report summarizing the discussion and our recommendations for remediating any issues identified by the client and their family.
To date we have completed hundreds of Wellness Checks across the country. Our clients are facing numerous challenges, including:
- Lack of public-school support for at-home/remote learning
- Loss of employment for parents or other essential family members
- Difficulty accessing benefits or loss of benefits while agency offices are closed
- Disruption of essential caregiver supports
- Medication, durable medical equipment and household supply shortages
- Education on best practices to reduce COVID-19 exposure/infection risk
While most clients were grateful to hear from our team, we found many clients simply making the most of their circumstances despite the resources available. Several clients in desperate need of assistance may never have asked for help had we not been in contact asking direct questions, potentially leading to crises that would have been harder to address in the future. This proactive outreach has made an immediate difference in our client’s lives and better prepared them for ongoing uncertainty.
Many trustees and fiduciaries are already proactively reaching out to their clients during the crisis. We are here to help in that effort to assess client needs and ensure they receive the necessary support and resources to address the challenges that they are facing. If you would like to learn more about this or other NCA services, please don’t hesitate to reach out to info@nationalcareadvisors.com or your NCA representative today.