CMS Announces Special Enrollment Period for ACA Coverage

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) have announced a Special Enrollment Period for individuals and families to apply for health insurance due to the COVID 19 Pandemic. The enrollment period will begin on February 15 and continue through May 15, 2021. Consumers in the 36 states served by Marketplaces that use the platform will be able to take advantage of this special enrollment period to shop for and enroll in healthcare coverage. Some individuals and families may be eligible to enroll in coverage today due to loss of employment or other qualifying life events.
Our team of nurse consultants here at National Care Advisors are well versed in all aspects of health insurance options available to our clients. Understanding the plans and options available through the marketplace can be complicated, particularly for those individuals with unique medical needs. Our consultants can review the specific care needs of our clients to determine the best possible plan available, while also maximizing all available government subsidies and benefits.
Do you have questions about the new Special Enrollment Period? Are you concerned about your current coverage? Contact National Care Advisors today to see how we can help!