Caregiver Analysis: Finding Clients The Care Support They Need

Individuals with special care needs face unique challenges that require complex solutions to ensure the highest possible level of care and quality of life. Paid caregivers play a vital role in solving these challenges, but hiring and managing this support team can be a daunting task for clients, their families and their advisors.
Challenges Hiring Paid Caregivers
- What type of caregiver is right for the unique needs?
- Do they have the skills required to meet the needs?
- Can I hire a friend or family member as a caregiver?
- How much support is needed establishing the schedule?
- What is the appropriate care pay rate in the community?
- What is the best way to pay caregivers?
- What happens if they don’t show up?
- Can we trust the caregiver?
National Care Advisors is here to help! Our team of experienced Nurse Consultants can provide a Caregiver Analysis to help individuals, their families and advisors analyze the unique needs of the client, determine the appropriate level of care needed and develop a comprehensive caregiver plan to ensure care and quality of life needs are met. Our analysis includes:
- In-person assessment and analysis of acute medical care needs and quality of life requirements as specified by the client, family, medical providers and/or legal representative
- Review of all provided medical documentation, medical bill history, expert evaluations pertinent to the case
- Review current utilization and project future availability of all third-party payer sources that the Client is eligible to receive
- Evaluation of market rates for necessary caregiver services in the local area
- Development of a comprehensive caregiver analysis documenting acute medical care, quality of life and longterm care needs objectives and goals
- Recommendations for the caregiver search process
Once the analysis is complete, our consultants can help clients locate, vet and hire the necessary caregivers. Ongoing support can also be provided to ensure continuity of care.
Is your client in need of skilled, reliable caregivers? Are they considering hiring a friend or family member to fill this need? Contact National Care Advisors today to discuss how our Caregiver Analysis can help you develop a long term, sustainable Caregiver plan!